Incontro formativo con il mondo Halal Italy
Venerdì 4 febbraio dalle 15.30 fino alle 17.30, presso la sede di Confindustria Bari e Bat in via Amendola 172/5 (executive center) a Bari, Halal Italy Authority e Confindustria Bari e Bat organizzano una giornata formativa. Tale incontro ha come obiettivo la conoscenza e la diffusione del potenziale dei mercati Halal. In questa sede si porranno le basi per creare un ponte verso i paesi e i consumatori di fede islamica.This meeting is aimed at spreading knowledge on and information about the potential of the Halal market. It will set the stage to create a bridge to countries and consumers of the Islamic faith.
Translation Note: This content has not been translated to Italiano but you may find the original version easier to read.
Friday, 4 February from 15:30 until 17:30, at the headquarters of Confindustria Bari and Bat in Via Amendola 172/5 (Executive Center) in Bari, Italy Halal Authority and Confindustria Bari Bat will hold a workshopy. This meeting is aimed at spreading knowledge on and information about the potential of the Halal market. It will set the stage to create a bridge to countries and consumers of the Islamic faith.
Training is the key for the growth of organizations and small and medium-sized businesses who want grasp new potential markets that adopt quality as key standard.
It will address topics concerning the world and the standard Halal Italy, the sector and the countries involved, the relations system of Halal Italy, the procedures for obtaining certification, useful to understand the benefits of an Halal Italy certification.
The Halal Italy certification allows Italian companies to approach about 4 million new customers in Italy, more than 25 million consumers in Europe and about 2 billion of the world, all interested in the products certified Halal Italy, as a guarantee of quality. During the meeting attended by representatives of Italy Halal authority, the official and unique quality halal certification in Italy on behalf of the International Islamic certification, the International Halal authority.
Halal Italy certifies all the agri-food, pharmaceutical, tourism, cosmetics, industry, services and transpor supply chaint. The label "Halal Italy" is a hallmark that ensures consumers that the Halal certified products and their ingredients are all Halal products that have followed procedures and treatments according to the standards of genuine quality Halal Italy at all stages of processing. The seminar is a cultural and educational meeting open to all companies and consultants who want to know the potential of the project Halal Italy in their search of a quality economic development.